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Dhaka to Dammam flights

A lot of information is required when traveling to Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Our website provides you with the most up-to-date information on Dammam's exciting factors and activities. You'll find information on where to eat, where to stay, and everything else you need to know. This travel guide is ideal for a memorable trip from Dhaka to Dammam.

About Dammam

Dammam is Saudi Arabia's fifth most famous city, after Mecca, Madina Riyadh, and Jeddah. It is well-known for being the administrative and industrial center of Saudi Arabia. Dammam was founded in 1923 by the al dawasir tribe, who migrated from Bahrain. The city now has a population of around 1.5 million people and is still growing. The climate is typical of a hot desert climate.

Dammam Airport 

Dammam International Airport is also known as King Fahad Airport. It is located 15 kilometers northwest of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Because of its massive size, this airport is also known as the world's largest airport. It takes approximately 300 square miles of land. The airport is so large because it is one of the busiest in the world.

Address: King Fahd Road, King Fahd International Airport, Dammam 32567, Saudi Arabia

Phone: +966 13 883 4445

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Dhaka- Dammam Ticket price 

Scheduled flights from Dhaka to Dammam and from Dammam to Dhaka are operated by various airlines. Having a flight of choice within the desired budget is one of the most challenging tasks for budget-conscious travelers. However, if you choose our services because they are easier to compare, you can book the flight of your choice from the comfort of your own home at the best price from air ticket bd.

Ticket prices vary depending on the flight. And they are constantly changing as a result of a variety of factors.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us for the most recent information and special discounts.

What to do in Dammam
What to Eat in Dammam
Places to Stay in Dammam
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