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Dhaka to Kolkata Flights

Flights to Kolkata

If you are willing to travel to Kolkata and require a lot of information then this is the perfect place for you. Our website gives you an idea about the interesting things you can do in Kolkata, places to eat and hotels to stay, flights and all other necessary information. We are your online tourist guide for a memorable journey. 

About Kolkata

Kolkata is known as the cultural hub of India and is a major center of literature, music, cinema and simplicity. Crowds throng to Kolkata’s book fairs, art exhibitions, and concerts, and there is a lively trading of polemics on walls, which has led to Kolkata being dubbed the “city of posters.”
Kolkata Airport: Kolkata airport, also known as the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport is the only international airport operating in the West Bengal and is the fifth busiest airport in India.

·         Address: Jessore Rd, Dum Dum, Kolkata, West Bengal 700052, India.
·         Phone:  +91 33 2511 8036

Dhaka-Kolkata ticket price (DAC to CCU)

Different airlines are operating scheduled flights from Dhaka to Kolkata and from Kolkata to Dhaka. Getting a perfect flight within the budget is the biggest challenge for the travelers in budget. But our services make the task easy for you as you can compare, choose and book flights from home at the cheapest price.
Ticket prices are different depending on the airways. It keeps changing in every flight depending on different factors. To give you an understanding of the ticket price for flights from Dhaka to Kolkata, we have added the prices offered by different airlines in economy class. Feel free to contact us for the latest updates and our special discounts.



Air India


Air India



Biman Bangladesh


Biman Bangladesh



Thai Airways


Thai Airways



Cathay Pacific


Cathay Pacific

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What to do in Kolkata
What to Eat in Kolkata
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